Biyernes, Agosto 12, 2011

When YOu Love Never sTick onLy to What Your Heart FeeLs, 

Remember That sumTimes using Your bRain is A necessiTy, 

NEXT. Never use your eYes to Cry for tHe One who FooLed you, 

instead Use it To search For THe RighT ONE, 

lastly, Dont be Scared of Breaking up, 

keeping a RelationSHip with an EviL perSon is Much ScaRy, 

Take noTe, Love the oNe Who wiLL fighT for YOu 

and BraveLy face eaCh and eVery Consequence, 

someone wHom YOu can Call a PartNer Rather than A LOVER..

Biyernes, Agosto 5, 2011

never expect, NEVER ASSUME , dont demand if its meant to be it well happen ....